This quick and easy guide will should you how to get Sparks Kilowatt’s Week 1 Secret Package for the Roblox Metaverse Champions Event! In order to get this crate you will need a badge which can be obtained by doing challenges inside of Roblox Simple Resort.
Metaverse Champions
Metaverse Champions is a substitute for the Roblox Egg Hunt this year, players can complete challenges in 180 Roblox games, spanning over 4 weeks. These challenges will reward players with exclusive accessories for their Roblox avatar.
There are 4 different Metaverse Champion characters which you can play for, they include Sparks Kilowatt, Wren Brightblade, Fey Yoshida and also AJ Striker. If you join the winning Champion’s team you will get a special item at the end of the event.
Simple Resort Challenge
First, you have to join Simple Resort. Once you are in the game, pick skis for your moment of transport. Next, click on the pink chest to the bottom of your screen and click Mark location on map. This will show you where you need to go to complete the challenge in this game.
To get up the mountain you can either ski up or use the ski lifts. Then, go to the tower where the arrows are leading to, you will be teleported up and asked to spam A and D, this will give you more points so you can jump further. You need to jump 1,000 studs in order to get the badge.
Once you have jumped 1,000 studs a badge will appear for Fey Yoshida’s Week 1 Terror Case.
Video Guide
If you are struggling trying to complete this challenge, you can watch Gaming Dan’s video below showing you how to complete the Metaverse Champions challenge in Roblox Simple Resort:
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