Soul War Codes – An updated list with all the valid codes and some info about the reward each code will give you.
Soul War Codes | Updated List
Active Soul War Codes
- !code RobloxServers: This code will give you a reroll!
- !code Update2ExpBoost: This code will give you an xp boost!
- !code RaceRerollUpdate1: This code will give you a reroll!
- !code CashMoneyUpdate1: This code will give you yen!
- !code WereSorryUpdate1: This code will give you yen!
- !code CashMoney23: This code will give you yen!
- !code 3kPlayers!: This code will give you an xp boost!
- !code RaceReroll12024444: This code will give you a reroll!
- !code Release2023: This code will give you an xp boost!
- !code UPDATE0: This code will give you an xp boost!
- !code NOTENOUGHRICHES: This code will give you 5,000 yen!
- !code WEAREBACK: This code will give you 10,000 yen!
- !code NEWPOWER: This code will give you a reroll!
- !code EVENRICHER: This code will give you 5,000 yen!
- !code ANOTHERWIPE: This code will give you a wipe!
- !code THANKYOU: This code will give you 5,000 yen!
- !code XPBOOST: This code will give you an xp boost!
- !code FREEWIPE: This code will give you a wipe!
- !code FREEMONEY: This code will give you 1,000 yen!
Expired Soul War Codes
Soul War Codes | How To Redeem?
Roblox Codes | Other Games
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